ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΕΙΣΓιάννης Φούφουλας
The diversity and complexity of modern data management applications have led to the extension of the relational paradigm with syntactic and semantic support for User-Defined Functions (UDFs).…
State-of-the-art OLAP systems tend to use columnar data representations, as these are both suitable for analytics and amenable to compression. Local dictionary value encoding has been shown to…
Open publications are increasing at such a rapid pace that it is almost impossible for researchers to keep up with them. Even in terms of computational complexity, the data are becoming bigger and…
Clouds have become an attractive platform for highly scal- able processing of Big Data, especially due to the concept of elasticity, which characterizes them. Several languages and systems for cloud-…
Authors of scientific publications and books use images to present a wide spectrum of information. Despite the richness of the visual content of scientific publications the figures are usually not…
Text visualization is a rather important task related to scientific corpora, since it provides a way of representing these corpora in terms of content, leading to reinforcement of human cognition…
A method for supervised classification and visualization of collections of scientific publications is presented. By integrating a text classification module, which leads to class probability…