Storing and Querying the Valid Time of Triples in Linked Geospatial Data
Speaker:Konstantina Bereta
University:University of Athens
Room :Α56
Time:16:00 (καφές 15:30)
We introduce the temporal component of the stRDF data model and the stSPARQL query language, which have been recently proposed for the representation and querying of linked geospatial data that changes over time. With this temporal component in place, stSPARQL becomes a very expressive query language for linked geospatial data, going beyond the recent OGC standard GeoSPARQL, which has no support for valid time of triples.We present the implementation of the stSPARQL temporal component in the system Strabon, and study its performance experimentally. Strabon is shown to outperform all the systems it has been compared with.