Data Modeling in DELAB (abstract)
As the size and complexity of processing and manufacturing systems increases, the need for Database Management Systems (DBMS) that meet the special needs of studies that experiment with such systems becomes more current. System analysts who study the performance of modern processing systems have to manipulate large amounts of data in order to profile the behavior of the system. They have to identify the relationship between the properties of a compound system and a wide spectrum of performance metrics. In a recent study in which we have analyzed a set of distributed concurrency control algorithms, we performed more than 1400 simulation experiments. Each experiment was characterized by more than 6000 input parameters and generated more than 400 output values. It is thus clear that powerful means for defining the structure and properties of complex systems are needed, as well as efficient tools to retrieve the data accumulated in the course of the study. We are currently engaged in an effort to develop and implement the DELAB simulation laboratory that aims to provide such means and tools for simulation studies.