Distributed Information and Computation in Scientific and Engineering Environments
The NSF Invitational Workshop on Distributed Information, Computation, and Process Management for Scientific and Engineering Environments (DICPM) brought together domain specialists from engineering and the ocean, atmospheric, and space sciences involved in the development and use of simulations of complex systems, and computer scientists working on distributed repositories, visualization, and resource management. The objective was to formulate directions for research efforts to facilitate effective collaboration and to help increase access to information and sharing of results and tools useful in large-scale, distributed, multidisciplinary scientific and engineering environments. Three broad problem areas inhibit such activities: (1) Computational, e.g, insufficient infrastructure for the sharing of very large amounts of information, results, and tools; (2) Structural institutional barriers, e.g., funding, publication, and promotion policies; and (3) Social, e.g., communication barriers stemming from narrow specialization. The participants supported specific steps to address these problems: explicit support and incentives for multidisciplinary activities; the development of digital libraries to enhance interdisciplinary communication and understanding; and development of a "virtual scientific marketplace" to disseminate tools, results, and expertise. View online