The Optique Project: Towards OBDA Systems for Industry
In this paper we present the EU Optique project that aims at developing an end-to-end OBDA system for managing Big Data in industries.We discuss limitations of state of the art OBDA systems and present the general architecture of the Optique’s OBDA system that aims at overcoming these limitations.
D. Calvanese, M. Giese, P. Haase, I. Horrocks, T. Hubauer, Y. Ioannidis, E. Jiménez-Ruiz, E. Kharlamov, H. Kllapi, J. Klüwer, M. Koubarakis, S. Lamparter, R. Möller, C. Neuenstadt, T. Nordtveit, Ö. Özcep, R. M. driguez Muro, M. Roshchin, M. Ruzzi, F. Savo, M. Schmidt, A. Soylu, A. Waaler, D. Zheleznyakov, "The Optique Project: Towards OBDA Systems for Industry ", In OWL Experiences and Directions Workshop (OWLED 2013). Montpellier, France. May 26-30, 2013