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Open Science Trails (OSTrails) aims to improve the way we plan, track, and assess scientific…
EOSC Beyond overall objective is to advance Open Science and innovation in research in the context…
The EVERSE project aims to create a framework for research software and code excellence,…
TIER2 aims to boost knowledge on reproducibility, create tools, engage communities, implement…
SciLake builds upon the OpenAIRE ecosystem and EOSC services to enable creation, interlinking, and…
The European Research Data Landscape study (European Commission, Directorate-General for Research…
PathOS aims to identify and quantify the Key Impact Pathways of Open Science relating to the…
Next Generation Research Assessment to Promote Open ScienceThe concept behind GraspOS is to build…
FAIRCORE4EOSC will advance the EOSC-Core for a FAIR EOSC.The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is…
The publishing landscape for Open Access journals in Europe is highly diverse. However, often…
The goal of StR-ESFRI3 is to provide support to reinforce the European Strategy Forum on Research…
is an EU-funded H2020 project that is implementing the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). EOSC…
OpenAIRE-Nexus brings in Europe, EOSC and the world a set of services to implement and accelerate…
IntelComp sets out to build an innovative Cloud Platform that will offer Artificial Intelligence…
Legal uncertainty about usage rights and high costs in clearance of licensing issues, are very…
The purpose of TAILOR is to build the capacity of providing the scientific foundations for…
The overarching aim of GeoQA is to create a question answering engine that will be able to answer…
The goal of StR-ESFRI2 is to provide support to reinforce the European Strategy Forum on Research…
EOSC Enhance is a 24-month project funded by the European Commission and tasked with progressing… addresses the call Support to the EOSC Governance subtopic (a), Setup of an EOSC…
The European Commission (EC), as several international policymakers, supports the vision of global…
Key building block of the European Open Science Cloud National Initiatives for Open Science in…
The goal of STR-ESFRI is to provide support to reinforce the European Strategy Forum for Research…
The growing digitization and networking process within our society has a large influence on all…
OpenAIRE-Connect aims to provide technological and social bridges, and deliver services enabling…
OpenAIRE-Advance continues the mission of OpenAIRE to support the Open Access/Open Data mandates in…
CatRIS is an open, trusted and user-friendly portal to a harmonised and aggregated catalogue of…
e-Infrastructures address the needs of European researchers for digital services in terms of…
The European Open Science Cloud will offer 1.7 million European researchers and 70 million…
The European Research infrastructure for science, technology and innovation policy studies (RISIS2…