In this work, we describe the basic elements of an effort towards achieving personalized storytelling for museum visits in the context of the CHESS project, with a focus on the profiling techniques…
In this work, we present the CHESS research prototype system which offers personalized, interactive digital storytelling experiences to enhance museum visits, demonstrating the authoring and…
CHESS is a research prototype system aimed at enriching museum visits through personalized interactive storytelling. Aspiring to replace traditional exhibit-centric descriptions by story-centric…
Storytelling has recently become a popular way to guide museum visitors, replacing traditional exhibit-centric descriptions by story-centric cohesive narrations with references to the…
Storytelling is a new way to guide museum visitors, where the traditional set of exhibit-centric descriptions is replaced by story-centric cohesive narrations with carfully-designed references to…
PAROS is a generic system under design whose goal is to offer personalization, recommendation, and other adaptation services to information providing systems. In its heart lies a rich user model…
In this demonstration, we present a flexible system that enables the provision of personalized functionalities to digital libraries. The system has been developed based on the needs of The European…