Motion Capture and whole-body interaction technologies have been experimentally proven to contribute to the enhancement of dance learning and to the investigation of bodily knowledge, innovating at…
In this paper we present BalOnSe (named after the ballet step balance), an ontology-based web interface that allows the user to annotate classical ballet videos, with a hierarchical domain specific…
This paper reports on a small-scale experiment conducted in the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (SMA), showcasing the effective use of CHESS research prototype for the creation and provision of…
Digital storytelling is one resource museums have in hand for enriching their offer to audiences and society at large. But how is the museum to author digital storytelling experiences that cater to…
CHESS is a research prototype system aimed at enriching museum visits through personalized interactive storytelling. Aspiring to replace traditional exhibit-centric descriptions by story-centric…
In this work, we describe the basic elements of an effort towards achieving personalized storytelling for museum visits in the context of the CHESS project, with a focus on the profiling techniques…
In this work, we present the CHESS research prototype system which offers personalized, interactive digital storytelling experiences to enhance museum visits, demonstrating the authoring and…
This paper discusses issues related to digital storytelling and its use in Cultural Heritage institutions. It will demonstrate the usefulness and advantages of digital storytelling by providing…
A Life of Their Own: Museum Visitor Personas Penetrating the Design Lifecycle of a Mobile Experience
Sets of "personas" representing archetypical visitors of two very different museums, the Acropolis Museum in Greece and Cité de l'espace in France, were defined and described as part of a multitude…
Storytelling has recently become a popular way to guide museum visitors, replacing traditional exhibit-centric descriptions by story-centric cohesive narrations with references to the…
Storytelling is a new way to guide museum visitors, where the traditional set of exhibit-centric descriptions is replaced by story-centric cohesive narrations with carfully-designed references to…
Recent research on the use of mobile technologies, social networking, interactive digital storytelling, and augmented reality, amongst others, promises to make cultural heritage sites more…
PAROS is a generic system under design whose goal is to offer personalization, recommendation, and other adaptation services to information providing systems. In its heart lies a rich user model…
This paper takes as its premise that the web is a place of action, not just information, and that the purpose of global data is to serve human needs. The paper presents several component…
The constant interaction of users with different Digital Libraries (DLs) and the subsequent scattering of user information across them raise the need not only for Digital Library interoperability…
While Digital Libraries (DLs) are moving towards universally accessible collections of human knowledge, considerable advances are needed in DL methodologies and technologies to make this happen.…
News Archives constitute an important source for historians, both for research and educational purposes. However, access to their material is not easy due to the special characteristics of the…
Ontologies offer a flexible and expressive layer of abstraction, very useful for capturing the semantics of information repositories and facilitating their retrieval either by the user or by the…
In this paper we describe briefly three systems: onCue a desktop internet-access toolbar, Snip!t a web-based bookmarking application and ontoPIM an ontology-based personal task-management system.…
Nowadays, our personal computer contains a huge amount of information, that is stored in several different formats. When looking for an information, one possibility is to use a keyword-based search…
Personal Information Management (PIM) aims to support users in the collection, storage and retrieval of their personal information. In such a framework the focus is mainly on how better to handle…