ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΕΙΣΓιάννης Ιωαννίδης
Motion Capture and whole-body interaction technologies have been experimentally proven to contribute to the enhancement of dance learning and to the investigation of bodily knowledge, innovating at…
In this paper, we propose an approach to describe the temporal aspects of ontological representation of dance movement. By nature, human movement consists of complex combinations of spatiotemporal…
In this paper we present BalOnSe (named after the ballet step balance), an ontology-based web interface that allows the user to annotate classical ballet videos, with a hierarchical domain specific…
Clouds have become an attractive platform for highly scal- able processing of Big Data, especially due to the concept of elasticity, which characterizes them. Several languages and systems for cloud-…
This paper reports on a small-scale experiment conducted in the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (SMA), showcasing the effective use of CHESS research prototype for the creation and provision of…
Earth-Science data are composite, multidimensional and of significant size, and as such, continue to pose a number of on-going problems regarding their management. With new and diverse information…
Authors of scientific publications and books use images to present a wide spectrum of information. Despite the richness of the visual content of scientific publications the figures are usually not…
Many modern applications require the evaluation of analytical queries on large amounts of data. Such queries entail joins and heavy aggregations that often include user-defined functions (UDFs). The…
In the era of Big Data, datasets are growing at a much higher rate than the processing power of a single machine. In the long run, distributed computing seems to be the only viable solution to be…
Processing complex dataflow tasks (graphs) on the cloud is a critical requirement for many applications. Schedul- ing dataflow graphs on cloud resources has many tradeoffs between monetary cost and…
In this paper, we discuss the key elements of a semantic dance-move representation model based on rule-based extractions of logical descriptions from existing Labanotation scores. This is part of a…
We propose a comprehensive information processing, knowledge discovery and simulation platform for Big Data Healthcare. In addition, we present a related, well-defined workflow that promotes model-…
In this work, we present the CHESS research prototype system which offers personalized, interactive digital storytelling experiences to enhance museum visits, demonstrating the authoring and…
The description of the human body and its movement is fundamental and a critical part of the content of a Dance Digital Library. It must be captured in an organized way, both for allowing user…
CHESS is a research prototype system aimed at enriching museum visits through personalized interactive storytelling. Aspiring to replace traditional exhibit-centric descriptions by story-centric…
The acquaintance of Museums and Cultural Heritage (CH) institutions with the digital age challenges is of no question a matter of survival. Nevertheless, the dialogue between CH and Information and…
Text visualization is a rather important task related to scientific corpora, since it provides a way of representing these corpora in terms of content, leading to reinforcement of human cognition…
In this work, we describe the basic elements of an effort towards achieving personalized storytelling for museum visits in the context of the CHESS project, with a focus on the profiling techniques…
This paper discusses issues related to digital storytelling and its use in Cultural Heritage institutions. It will demonstrate the usefulness and advantages of digital storytelling by providing…
The present work describes a Web interface aiming at the advanced fruition of music content. This browser application, already available on the Internet, adopts the international standard known as…
In this paper, we discuss the challenges that we have faced and the solutions we have identified so far in our currently on-going effort to design and develop a Dance Information System for archiving…
In this paper we present the EU Optique project that aims at developing an end-to-end OBDA system for managing Big Data in industries.We discuss limitations of state of the art OBDA systems and…
The Optique European project aims at providing an end-to-end solution for scalable access to Big Data integration, where end users will formulate queries based on a familiar conceptualization of…
Storytelling has recently become a popular way to guide museum visitors, replacing traditional exhibit-centric descriptions by story-centric cohesive narrations with references to the…
A method for supervised classification and visualization of collections of scientific publications is presented. By integrating a text classification module, which leads to class probability…
AITION is a scalable, user-friendly, and interactive data mining (DM) platform, designed for analyzing large heterogeneous datasets. Implementing state-of-the-art machine learning…
The aim of this paper is to present the state-of-the art research project in digital storytelling for museums titled CHESS (Cultural Heritage Experiences through Socio-personal interactions and…
Storytelling is a new way to guide museum visitors, where the traditional set of exhibit-centric descriptions is replaced by story-centric cohesive narrations with carfully-designed references to…
In a server system having a predetermined total bandwidth providing data files to a plurality of clients in response to requests received from the clients, a method for providing admission control…
AITION is a scalable, user-friendly, and interactive data mining (DM) platform, designed for analyzing large heterogeneous datasets. Implementing state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms, it…
Scheduling data processing workflows (dataflows) on the cloud is a very complex and challenging task. It is essentially an optimization problem, very similar to query optimization, that is…
In this paper, we present a Knowledge Based System for describing and storing dances that takes advantage of the expressivity of Description Logics. We propose exploiting the tools of the Semantic…
In this thesis, we propose a novel method for opinion mining and summarization of online web forum discussions that contain debates. We create summaries of the discussions by extracting a small…
PAROS is a generic system under design whose goal is to offer personalization, recommendation, and other adaptation services to information providing systems. In its heart lies a rich user model…
This paper takes as its premise that the web is a place of action, not just information, and that the purpose of global data is to serve human needs. The paper presents several component…
In this demonstration, we present a flexible system that enables the provision of personalized functionalities to digital libraries. The system has been developed based on the needs of The European…
Digital Library (DL) interoperability requires addressing a variety of issues associated with functionality. We report on the analysis and solutions identified by the Functionality Working Group of…
The constant interaction of users with different Digital Libraries (DLs) and the subsequent scattering of user information across them raise the need not only for Digital Library interoperability…
While Digital Libraries (DLs) are moving towards universally accessible collections of human knowledge, considerable advances are needed in DL methodologies and technologies to make this happen.…
People’s preferences are expressed at varying levels of granularity and detail as a result of partial or imperfect knowledge. One may have some preference for a general class of entities, for…