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This collaboration has to do with the development and adoption of state-of-the-art technologies and…
The RPGs4Museums project aims to expand existing scientific knowledge in the field of Cultural…
The primary objective of the Echoes research project is to create and implement advanced…
The aim of this Horizon MSCA funded project is to investigate and perform the possibility of…
The objective of the proposed project is the identification, conservation, documentation and…
myELeusis is a flagship project with a significant role in the promotion of Eleusis. It aims at the…
The primary concern and key element of modern cultural institutions is the social aspect of their…
"Transition to 8” is an innovative proposition to establish an interactive digital platform that…
The “Lilian Voudouri” Music Library was created by the Society of the Friends of Music to work as a…
BRIDGES is an H2020 Innovation Action that has received funding by the European Commission for 24…
Emotive is an EU-funded heritage project that aims to use emotional storytelling to dramatically…
The project aims to develop and deliver the Digital Cultural Heritage Management Center (“CultKiosk…
The ARIADNEplus project is the extension of the previous ARIADNE Integrating Activity, which…
The eCultValue project will support and encourage the use of new technologies that have the…
Due to the financial crisis that Greece has been facing in the last few years, there has been an…
The two modules - axes, that make up the project ("Development of knowledge and innovative ideas"…
EFG1914 will digitise and make available 654 hours of film and ca. 5.600 film-related documents on…
ARIADNE brings together and integrates existing archaeological research data infrastructures so…
Cultural heritage institutions nowadays face the important challenge of making their collections…